Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network
Building partnerships between patients, health services, industry, and academia.
Academic Health Science Networks were given licence to operate by NHS England in May 2013. The Yorkshire and Humber AHSN is one of 15 innovative health networks set up to create and harness a strong, purposeful partnership between patients, health services, industry, and academia. The aim of the Yorkshire & Humber AHSN is to create significant improvements in the health of the population by reducing service variability and improving patient experience in the health care system. The Yorkshire & Humber AHSN will assist in ensuring new innovative products and services that have the potential to transform lives become part of routine clinical practice. The Yorkshire & Humber AHSN will also assist in providing economic growth for the region, supporting inward investment projects and industry that support the health sector.
Key contact Dr Neville Young
Website www.yhahsn.org.uk
SectorPublic, Private