Innovation Agency (Academic Health Science Network for NWC, hosted by Lancashire Care Foundation Trust)
Academic Health Science Network for the North West Coast and health care innovation.
We are the Academic Health Science Network for the North West Coast, covering Cheshire, Merseyside, Lancashire and South Cumbria, with around 4.1 million residents. Our footprint includes 22 NHS providers, 20 CCGs, nine universities and a large number of life science industry partners and small to medium size businesses. We are catalysts for the spread of innovation at pace and scale - improving health and care, generating economic growth and helping facilitate change across whole health and social care economies. We connect regional networks of NHS and academic organisations, local authorities, the third sector and industry - responding to the diverse needs of our patients and populations through partnership and collaboration.
Key contact Lorna Green
Website www.innovationagencynwc.nhs.uk